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 Physik, Master (2022) ,     Semester von: 2 ,     Semester bis: 2  

Einzeltermin Blockveranstaltung 14-tägl. Veranstaltung

Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
12009 Advanced Research Laboratory Laborpraktikum
12738 Astrophysics Vorlesung
12738 Astrophysics Seminar
12747 Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas Vorlesung
12733 Climate of the Baltic Sea Region (Summer School) Vorlesung
12733 Climate of the Baltic Sea Region (Summer School) Seminar
12744 Coastal Ocean Processes Vorlesung
12744 Coastal Ocean Processes Seminar
12712 Intense Laser-Matter Interaction Seminar
12712 Intense Laser-Matter Interaction Vorlesung
12745 International Space Weather Camp (Summer School) Vorlesung
12745 International Space Weather Camp (Summer School) Praktikum
12717 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory Vorlesung
12717 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory Seminar
12735 Laser Physics Seminar
12735 Laser Physics Vorlesung
12721 Modern Nanostructures 2: Analysis and Specific Systems Vorlesung
12721 Modern Nanostructures 2: Analysis and Specific Systems Seminar
12750 Molecular and Cellular Biophysics Vorlesung
12750 Molecular and Cellular Biophysics Seminar
12713 Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy Vorlesung
12713 Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar
12715 Quantum-Information, -Computing, and -Sensing Vorlesung
12715 Quantum-Information,-Computing, and -Sensing Seminar
12746 Radar Remote Sensing of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Dynamics Vorlesung
12746 Radar Remote Sensing of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Dynamics Seminar
12737 Space Weather Vorlesung
12737 Space Weather Seminar
12742 Turbulence in Fluids Vorlesung
12742 Turbulence in Fluids Seminar
12716 Ultrafast Optics Seminar
12716 Ultrafast Optics Vorlesung
