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weitere Informationen zu Master Physik  Master Physik    
Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Semester FB / Einrichtung Aktion
12600 Einführungswoche Physik Dr. rer. nat. habil. Bornath Blockveranstaltung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12701 Advanced Quantum Theory Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Bauer Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12701 Advanced Quantum Theory Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Bauer Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12712 Introduction to Quantum Optics Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Scheel, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hage Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12712 Introduction to Quantum Optics Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Scheel, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hage Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12717 Computational Quantum and Many-Particle Physics Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Fennel, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Bauer Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12717 Computational Quantum and Many-Particle Physics Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Fennel, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Bauer Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12718 Advanced Experimental Molecular Physics Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Lochbrunner Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12718 Advanced Experimental Molecular Physics Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Lochbrunner Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12719 Physics of Dense Plasmas Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Redmer, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kraus Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12719 Physics of Dense Plasmas Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Redmer, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kraus Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12720 Modern Nanostructures 1: Basics and Synthesis Methods Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Brandenburg, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Korn, Prof. Dr. sc. Klinke Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12720 Modern Nanostructures 1: Basics and Synthesis Methods Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Brandenburg, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Korn, Prof. Dr. sc. Klinke Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12722 Surface Physics and Scanning Probe Microscopy Dr. rer. nat. Barke, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Speller Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12722 Surface Physics and Scanning Probe Microscopy Dr. rer. nat. Barke, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Speller Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12798 Quantum Technology Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hage, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Szameit, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reinhard Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12798 Quantum Technology Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hage, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Szameit, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reinhard Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12724 Bioimaging Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Lochbrunner, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Speller, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hage, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reinhard Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12724 Bioimaging Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Lochbrunner, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Speller, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hage, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reinhard Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12723 From Molecules to Solids Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kühn Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12723 From Molecules to Solids Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kühn Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12727 Climate of the Earth system Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Meier Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12727 Climate of the Earth system Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Meier Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12725 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stolle Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12725 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stolle Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12740 Ionosphere weather at low latitudes Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Chau Chong Shing Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12740 Ionosphere weather at low latitudes Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Chau Chong Shing Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12744 Ocean Modeling Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Burchard Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12744 Ocean Modeling Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. Burchard Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12640 Hydrodynamics Umlauf Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12640 Hydrodynamics Umlauf Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12767 Optical Oceanography Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Zielinski Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
12767 Optical Oceanography Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Zielinski Übung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Physik
13559 Strukturanalytik III: NMR Michalik Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Chemie
13559 Strukturanalytik III: NMR Michalik Seminar     WS 2023/24 MNF/Inst.f.Chemie
23146 Modelling and Simulation with Applications to the Life Sciences (Systems Biology I: Nonlinear systems theory with applications to biology) Prof. Dr. Wolkenhauer Übung     WS 2023/24 IEF
23146 Modelling and Simulation with Applications to the Life Sciences (Systems Biology I: Nonlinear systems theory with applications to biology) Prof. Dr. Wolkenhauer Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 IEF
24503 Renewable Energy: Grid Connection ... (Renewable Energy Sources) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Cai Vorlesung     WS 2023/24 IEF
24503 Renewable Energy: Grid Connection ... (Renewable Energy Sources) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Cai Übung     WS 2023/24 IEF