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XML-Schemaevolution: Änderung eines XML-Schemas mit automatisierter Adaption assoziierter XML-Dokumente Datenbanken und Informationssysteme Promotion 12.09.2016 SS 2016
Towards Reproducible Simulation Studies with James II Modellierung und Simulation Promotion 12.09.2016 SS 2016
Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing in the Two-Way-Relay Channel Nachrichtentechnik Promotion 12.09.2016 SS 2016
Activity, Context, and Plan Recognition with Computational Causal Behaviour Models Ubiquitous Computing Promotion 10.10.2016 WS 2016/17
A Benefit-Oriented Framework for the Decision-Making Process on the Application of KMS in SME Wirtschaftsinformatik Promotion 07.11.2016 WS 2016/17
Software-based and regionally-oriented Traffic Management in Networks-on-Chip Mikroelektronik Promotion 12.12.2016 WS 2016/17
Perturbative Methods for the Computation of Resonant Cavity Eigenmodes Subject to Geometric Variations Computational Engineering Promotion 09.01.2017 WS 2016/17
Predicting Human Behavior in Smart Environments: Theory and Application to Gaze Prediction Computer Vision Promotion 09.01.2017 WS 2016/17
Efficient Algorithms for the Fast Computation of Space Charge Effects Caused by Charged Particles in Particle Accelerators Theoretische Elektrotechnik Promotion 09.01.2017 WS 2016/17
ML-Space:Hybrid Spatial Gillespie and Brownian Motion Simulation at Multiple Levels, and a Rule-based Description Language Modellierung und Simulation Promotion 06.03.2017 WS 2016/17