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2013 Design and implementation of a control system reflecting the level of analgesia during general anesthesia Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2012 Localization of a virtual point source within the listening area for wave field synthesis Teil einer Monographie/eines Konferenzbandes Druckschrift
2013 Influence of uncertainties in the material properties of brain tissue on the probabilistic volume of tissue activated Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2013 Drehstrommaschinen im Inselbetrieb Monographie Druckschrift
2012 A simulation-based comparison of different power split configurations with respect to the system efficiency Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2012 A framework for simulation-based development and calibration of VCU-functions for advanced PHEV powertrains Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2012 A systems biology approach to unravel the cellular function of microRNAs Dissertationsschrift Druckschrift
2013 Spatial perception of sound fields recorded by spherical microphone arrays with varying spatial resolution Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2013 Erratum Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2013 The road from systems biology to systems medicine Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift