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Promotionen/Habilitationen suchen

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Human Factors in Instructional Augmented Reality for Intravehicular Spaceflight Activities and How Gravity Influences the Setup of Interfaces Operated by Direct Object Selection Computergrafik Promotion 11.09.2017 SS 2017
Reflexive Interaction - Extending Peripheral Interaction by Augmenting Humans Computergrafik Promotion 12.03.2018 WS 2017/18
Underwater Image Restoration: Super-Resolution and Deblurring via Sparse Representation and Denoising in Means of Marine Snow Removal Computergrafik Promotion 11.06.2018 SS 2018
Intuitive Interaktion durch videobasierte Gestenerkennung Computer Vision Promotion 08.02.2010 WS 2009/10
Predicting Human Behavior in Smart Environments: Theory and Application to Gaze Prediction Computer Vision Promotion 09.01.2017 WS 2016/17
A Virtual Object Point Model for the Calibration of Underwater Stereo Cameras to Recover Accurate 3D Information Computer Vision Promotion 15.10.2018 WS 2018/19
Annotation-based storage and retrieval of models and simulation descriptions in computational biology Datenbanken und Informationssysteme Promotion 12.09.2011 SS 2011
Flexible, datengetriebene Workflows für den Publikationsprozess in digitalen Bibliotheken Datenbanken und Informationssysteme Promotion 10.09.2012 SS 2012
XML-Schemaevolution: Änderung eines XML-Schemas mit automatisierter Adaption assoziierter XML-Dokumente Datenbanken und Informationssysteme Promotion 12.09.2016 SS 2016
Graph Powers: Hardness Results, Good Characterizations and Efficient Algorithms Effiziente Algorithmen Promotion 16.11.2009 WS 2009/10