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2016 Biomek cell workstation Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2016 Stochastic Fuzzy Modeling for Ear Imaging Based Child Identification Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2016 H (2)-optimization of sampled-data systems with a linear periodic plant. I. Parametric transfer matrix and its properties Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2016 H (2)-optimization of sampled-data systems with a linear periodic plant. II. H (2)-optimization of system S (t) based on the Wiener-Hopf method Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2016 Application of a dual-arm robot in complex sample preparation and measurement processes Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2016 A hfghly flexible, automated system providing reliable sample preparation in element- and structure-specific measurements Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2016 Intelligent strategies for mobile robotics in laboratory automation Habilitationsschrift Druckschrift
2016 Software-based and regionally-oriented traffic management in Networks-on-Chip Dissertationsschrift Elektronische Ressource
2016 Software-based and regionally-oriented traffic management in Networks-on-Chip Dissertationsschrift Druckschrift
2016 Information theoretical analysis of cooperative orthogonal relay networks Dissertationsschrift Elektronische Ressource