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Enhancement and Optimization of a Multi-Command-Based Brain-Computer Interface Technische Informatik Promotion 10.12.2018 WS 2018/19
Simulation neuronaler Aktionspotentiale in Hinblick auf Zellform und Physiologie sowie deren Ableitung mittels extrazellulärer Mikroelektroden Modellierung und Simulation Promotion 10.12.2018 WS 2018/19
Hierarchical Workflow Management System for Life Science Applications Elektrotechnik Promotion 10.12.2018 WS 2018/19
In silico study on in vitro experiments to determine the electric membrane properties of a realistic cochlear model for electric field simulations on cochlear implants Elektrotechnik Promotion 10.12.2018 WS 2018/19
Intelligente Integration und Dissemination von Diensten in Smart Environments Rechnerarchitektur Promotion 10.12.2018 WS 2018/19
On Underwater Communications Using the Parametric Array Elektrotechnik Promotion 10.12.2018 WS 2018/19
Numerical simulation of electromagnetic fields in complex multi-cavity superconducting radio frequency resonators Elektrotechnik Promotion 14.01.2019 WS 2018/19
Dielectrically Lined Rectangular Waveguides as Wakefield Based Dechirper Structures Theoretische Elektrotechnik Promotion 14.01.2019 WS 2018/19
Adaptive Control of Plants with Input Saturation: An Approach for Performance Improvement Regelungstechnik Promotion 14.01.2019 WS 2018/19
Change Detection in Combination with Spatial Models and its Effectiveness on Underwater Scenarios Informatik Promotion 11.02.2019 WS 2018/19