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2014 Ein abstraktes SystemC-Modell zur Analyse und Leistungsabschätzung des europäischen Zugsicherungssystems ETCS Teil einer Monographie/eines Konferenzbandes Elektronische Ressource
2015 miR-638 promotes melanoma metastasis and protects melanoma cells from apoptosis and autophagy Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2015 Spatio-temporal Model of Endogenous ROS and Raft-Dependent WNT/Beta-Catenin Signaling Driving Cell Fate Commitment in Human Neural Progenitor Cells Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2015 Reduced adolescent-age spatial learning ability associated with elevated juvenile-age superoxide levels in complex I mouse mutants Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2015 A mutation in the NADH-dehydrogenase subunit 2 suppresses fibroblast aging Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2014 Automatic detection of the electrical elicited stapedius reflex by evaluation of Its electromyographic signals Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2015 Annotation-based feature extraction from sets of SBML models Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2015 Numerical studies of the behavior of ionized residual gas in an energy recovering linac Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2015 Four wind speed multi-step forecasting models using extreme learning machines and signal decomposing algorithms Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2015 Accuracy of a custom physical activity and knee angle measurement sensor system for patients with neuromuscular disorders and gait abnormalities Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource