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Uncertainty quantification i na computationally optimised volume conductor model for deep brain stimulation Theoretische Elektrotechnik Promotion 11.11.2013 WS 2013/14
Transcriptional Responses to Radiation Exposure Facilitate the Discovery of Biomakers Functioning as Radiation Biodosimeters Systembiologie Promotion 16.06.2014 SS 2014
Towards Reproducible Simulation Studies with James II Modellierung und Simulation Promotion 12.09.2016 SS 2016
Toward Guiding Simulation Experiments Modellierung und Simulation Promotion 13.01.2014 WS 2013/14
Toward Composing Variable Structure Models and Their Interfaces: A Case of Intensional Coupling Definitions Modellierung und Simulation Promotion 10.09.2018 SS 2018
Toward Accessible Multilevel Modeling in Systems Biology - A Rule-based Language Concept Modellierung und Simulation Promotion 08.04.2013 SS 2013
Throughput, Mobility and Security - Enhancement in SCTP Multi-Path Communication Rechnernetze Promotion 11.04.2011 SS 2011
Task-based Adaptation of Graphical Content in Smart Visual Interfaces Computergrafik Promotion 11.07.2011 SS 2011
System zur Erfassung und Verarbeitung von Parametern im Rahmen des arbeitsphysiologischen Belastungs-Beanspruchungs-Konzeptes Automatisierungstechnik Promotion 08.06.2009 SS 2009
System-Level Design of Energy-Efficient Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition Systems Elektrotechnik Promotion 08.11.2021 WS 2021/22