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2016 An algorithm to detect and communicate the differences in computational models describing biological systems Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2016 Accurate sample time reconstruction for sensor data synchronization Teil einer Monographie/eines Konferenzbandes Elektronische Ressource
2016 On analytic methods for 2.5-D local sound field synthesis using circular distributions of secondary sources Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2016 Finding the exact delay bound for consensus of linear multi-agent systems Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2016 Oncogenic role of miR-150 in melanoma Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2016 Design and application of variable-to-variable length codes Dissertationsschrift Elektronische Ressource
2016 Design and application of variable-to-variable length codes Dissertationsschrift Druckschrift
2016 Interplay between interictal spikes and behavioral seizures in young, but not aged pilocarpine-treated epileptic rats Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2016 Autocrine TGF-b/ZEB/microRNA-200 signal transduction drives epithelial-mesenchymal transition Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2016 Reconstruction of everyday life behaviour based on noisy sensor data Teil einer Monographie/eines Konferenzbandes Druckschrift