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2018 In for a surprise when migrating NoSQL data Elektronische Ressource
2018 Curating variational data in application development Elektronische Ressource
2018 Phase change materials for thermal peak management applications with specific temperature ranges Elektronische Ressource
2018 Modal control and stabilization of linear periodic object with low frequency pulse controller Elektronische Ressource
2018 Series short-circuit failures in three-level ANPC converters Elektronische Ressource
2018 Reduction of negative effects of a short circuit through improved converter topology for wind energy applications Elektronische Ressource
2018 Design and analysis of discrete current regulators for VSIs Elektronische Ressource
2018 Concept for an IGBT desaturation pulse to reduce turn-off losses Elektronische Ressource
2018 Impacts of diode surge currents on reverse conducting IGBT controlled by optimized gate-drive unit Elektronische Ressource
2018 Influences of gate-circuit and parasitic inductances on turn-OFF current imbalances of paralleled IGBTs due to differences in their switching behaviour Elektronische Ressource