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Publikation: Dissertationsschrift

Sustainable municipal organic waste management in Shiraz, Iran


Titel Sustainable municipal organic waste management in Shiraz, Iran
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
Verlagsort Rostock
Serie Schriftenreihe Umweltingenieurwesen ; Band 108
Publikationsform Druckschrift
Publikationsart Dissertationsschrift
Sprache Englisch
Letzte Änderung 10.12.2022 06:01:43
Bearbeitungsstatus durch UB Rostock abschließend validiert
Dauerhafte URL http://purl.uni-rostock.de/fodb/pub/66071
Links zu Katalogen Diese Publikation in der Universitätsbibliographie Diese Publikation im GBV-Katalog


The purpose of this thesis is to identify possible treatment approaches that could be adopted and implemented in Shiraz (IRAN), for sustainable organic waste management. This work consists of five phases: evaluation of the current situation in the study area, mapping the state-of-the-knowledge in the field of organic waste treatment in Germany, assessment of the compost derived from mixed and source-separated waste streams, adapting sustainable concepts that are applicable to addressing the whole supply chain and examining the approaches to provide the ideal conditions during dry seasons.


Jalalipour, Haniyeh Link zur UB Rostock Link zum GBV-Katalog