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Combining micro and macro-modeling in DEVS for computational biology  (  Teil einer Monographie/eines Konferenzbandes  ) 
In computational biology there is an increasing need to combine micro and macro views of the system of interest. Therefore, explicit means to describe micro and macro level and the downward and upward causation that link both are required. Multi-Level-DEVS (or ml-DEVS) supports an explicit description of macro and micro level, information at macro level can be accessed from micro level and vice versa, micro models can be synchronously activated by the macro model and also the micro models can trigger the dynamics at macro level. To link both levels, different methods are combined, to those belong, value coupling, synchronous activations, variable ports, and invariants. The execution semantic of the formalism is given by an abstract simulator and its use is illustrated based on an small extract of the Wnt pathway.
Anzahl Zeichen: 824