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MicroRNA cancer regulation  (  Monographie  ) 
MicroRNAs in human cancer -- Bioinformatics, non-coding RNAs and its possible application in personalized medicine -- MicroRNA target prediction and validation -- MicroRNA-regulated networks: the Perfecdt Storm for classical molecular biology, the Ideal Scenario for systems biology -- p53/microRNA network in cancer: experimental and bioinformatics approaches -- MicroRNAs in melanoma biology -- MicroRNAs in the lung -- E2F1-miRNA cancer progression network -- Modeling microRNA-transcription factor networks in cancer -- Coordinated networks of microRNAs and transcription factors with evoluationary perspectives -- Mathematical modeling of microRNA-mediated mechanisms of translation repression -- Web resources for microRNA research -- Discovery of microRNA regulatory networks by integrating multidimensional high-throughput data -- Discovering functional microRNA-mRNA regulatory modules in heterogeneous data -- Elucidating the role of microRNAs in cancer through data mining techniques -- Working together: combinatorial regulation by microRNAs
Anzahl Zeichen: 1053