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Publikation: Teil einer Monographie/eines Konferenzbandes

Design considerations for m&s software


Titel Design considerations for m&s software
Veröffentlicht in Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) : 13 - 16 Dec. 2009, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. ; inclusion of MASM (Modeling and analysis of semiconductor manufacturing) .... - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE
Erscheinungsjahr 2009
Seiten (von – bis) 944 – 955
Jahr 2009
Publikationsform Elektronische Ressource
Publikationsart Teil einer Monographie/eines Konferenzbandes
Sprache Englisch
DOI 10.1109/WSC.2009.5429724
Letzte Änderung 17.05.2019 16:08:19
Bearbeitungsstatus durch UB Rostock abschließend validiert
Dauerhafte URL http://purl.uni-rostock.de/fodb/pub/32333
Links zu Katalogen Diese Publikation in der Universitätsbibliographie Diese Publikation im GBV-Katalog


The development of M&S products often seems to be driven by need: people start coding because they are interested in either a concrete simulation study, or they are interested in a (single) research subject of M&S methodology. We claim that discussing, designing, developing, and comparing M&S products should be based on software engineering concepts. We shortly introduce some of these engineering concepts and discuss how these relate to the M&S domain. By describing two examples, OSA and JAMES II, we illustrate that reuse might play an important role in the development of high quality M&S products as the examples allow reuse on the level of models and scenarios, on the level of simulation studiesʺ, of algorithms (e.g., reuse of event queues, random number generators), across hardware architectures / operating systems, and of analysis tools.


Dalle, Olivier
Ribault, Judicael
Himmelspach, Jan

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Beschreibung Link
Link zur Online-Ressource http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/WSC.2009.5429724


IEF/Bereich Informatik