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Publikation: Dissertationsschrift

Particle acceleration at collisionless shocks


Titel Particle acceleration at collisionless shocks
Untertitel hybrid simulations in the era of high-precision cosmic ray observations
Erscheinungsjahr 2020
Verlag Universität Rostock
Verlagsort Rostock
Publikationsform Elektronische Ressource
Publikationsart Dissertationsschrift
Sprache Englisch
DOI 10.18453/rosdok_id00002815
Letzte Änderung 26.11.2020 15:32:54
Bearbeitungsstatus durch UB Rostock abschließend validiert
Dauerhafte URL http://purl.uni-rostock.de/fodb/pub/64504
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Recent precise measurements of cosmic ray (CR) spectra reveal features that challenge the hypothesis of CR origin. The results of hybrid simulations focused on the injection phase of the diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) and analytic modeling provide an explanation for an "anomaly" in the measured CR rigidity spectra. Moreover, the simulations have captured a new phenomenon in the DSA: the spectrum steepening associated with the variation of shock obliquity along its face. Both results make a step forward to reconcile the DSA with high-precision observations.


Hanusch, Adrian Link zur UB Rostock Link zum GBV-Katalog