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Publikation: Dissertationsschrift

Essays on the growth of social banks


Titel Essays on the growth of social banks
Untertitel conceptual and empirical analyses of growth components
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
Verlagsort Rostock
Publikationsform Druckschrift
Publikationsart Dissertationsschrift
Sprache Englisch
Letzte Änderung 02.07.2021 06:02:17
Bearbeitungsstatus durch UB Rostock abschließend validiert
Dauerhafte URL http://purl.uni-rostock.de/fodb/pub/65967
Links zu Katalogen Diese Publikation in der Universitätsbibliographie Diese Publikation im GBV-Katalog


Over the past decades, so-called social banks have shown massive growth. However, so far it remains far from clear, why social banks have grown that strong. This thesis thus aims to identify and explain relevant growth components. Against this background, the present thesis comprises an introduction, one conceptual and two empirical studies, as well as an overall discussion. By providing first insights into a complex economic phenomenon, this thesis is ultimately a systematic starting point for subsequent explorative and confirmatory research on social banks' growth.


Höhnke, Nikolas


WSF/Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre (IfBWL)