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Artificial Intelligence III: Artificial Neural Networks

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Veranstaltungsart Vorlesung/Übung SWS 4.00
Veranstaltungsnummer 23833 Semester SS 2024
Sprache Englisch Studienjahr
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1150750 Ergänzende Themen im Themenbereich Smart Computing
1150800 Ausgewählte Themen im Themenbereich Smart Computing
1151290 Intelligent Information Systems: Advanced Artificial Intelligence

Termine Gruppe: [unbenannt] iCalendar Export für Outlook

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Mo. 09:00 bis 11:00 woch 08.04.2024 bis 15.07.2024  A.-Einstein-Str. 22 - HS 037, A.-Einstein-Str. 22 Raumplan Lüdtke findet statt    
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Do. 13:00 bis 15:00 woch 11.04.2024 bis 18.07.2024  A.-Einstein-Str. 26 - HS 001, A.-Einstein-Str. 26 Raumplan Lüdtke findet statt    
Gruppe [unbenannt]:

Verantwortliche Person

Verantwortliche Person Zuständigkeit
Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Lüdtke


Studiengang/Abschluss/Prüfungsversion Semester Teilnahmeart
Computer Science International, Master (2020) 1. - 3. Semester wahlobligatorisch
Electrical Engineering, Master (2023) 1. - 3. Semester wahlobligatorisch
Informatik, Master (2020) 1. - 2. Semester wahlobligatorisch
Informationstechnik/Technische Informatik, Master (2020) 1. - 2. Semester wahlobligatorisch
Visual Computing, Master (2014) 1. - 3. Semester wahlobligatorisch
Wirtschaftsinformatik, Master (2021) 1. - 2. Semester wahlobligatorisch

Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen

Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik (IEF)



- Biological and physical foundations of neural networks - Perceptron and delta-rule - Feedforward networks (Multi-layer Perceptrons) and Backpropagation
- Recurrent neural networks and Backpropagation through time
- Hopfield networks and Hebbian learning - Deep neural networks

Exam: written, prerequirements: homework


A comprehensive list of literature will be provided during the lectures  Some introductory text books on the topic:
- „Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction“, Raul Rojas, Springer Berlin 1996 - „Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn & TensorFlow“ Aurélien Géron, O’Reilly 2017


Within the course „Artificial Intelligence III: Artificial Neural Networks“, we will cover the basics of artificial neural networks - also called connectionist systems. Such systems, inspired by biological neural networks, are built from a set of simple processing units (neurons) which are connected (through synapses) to process noisy information. During the course, the following types of networks are introduced: - Simple perceptrons - Feed forward neural networks (including auto-encoders) - Recurrent neural networks - Hopfield networks - Some of the recent deep neural networks In addition, we will discuss the mathematics of the corresponding learning algorithms.


Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester SS 2024 , Aktuelles Semester: Winter 2024/25