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UMR/Arbeitsbereich Medizinische Biologie und Elektronenmikroskopisches Zentrum

Details ansehen zu: UMR/Arbeitsbereich Medizinische Biologie und Elektronenmikroskopisches Zentrum
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2024 Fossils in Myanmar amber demonstrate the diversity of anti-predator strategies of Cretaceous holometabolan insect larvae Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2024 Isolation of TiNbN wear particles from a coated metal-on-metal bearing Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2024 Systematic enhancement of microbial decontamination efficiency in bone graft processing by means of high hydrostatic pressure using Escherichia coli as a model organism Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2023 Pt/-Al2O3 catalyst for liquid-phase hydrogen-transfer hydrodechlorination of 4-chlorophenol in alkaline isopropanol Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2022 Acidity and stability of bronsted acid sites in green clinoptilolite catalysts and catalytic performance in the etherification of glycerol Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2022 Cuprizone intoxication results in myelin vacuole formation Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2021 Verification of impurity-related photocatalytic activity of insulating oxide supports Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2020 Dissolution and precipitation of copper-rich phases during heating and cooling of precipitation-hardening steel X5CrNiCuNb16-4 (17-4 PH) Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2020 Lichens bite the dust Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2019 Hypericin and its radio iodinated derivatives - a novel combined approach for the treatment of pediatric alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cells in vitro Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2018 Liver-specific Repin1 deficiency impairs transient hepatic steatosis in liver regeneration Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2017 Impact of the crystallinity of mesoporous polymeric graphitic carbon nitride on the photocatalytic performance under UV and visible light: Microporous and mesoporous materials : the official journal of the International Zeolite Association, ISSN 1387-1811, ZDB-ID 2012505-7. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Zeitschriftenartikel Elektronische Ressource
2007 Actin is not required for nanotubular protrusions of primary astrocytes grown on metal nano-lawn: Molecular membrane biology : MMB, ISSN 0968-7688, ZDB-ID 11863249. - London : Informa Healthcare Zeitschriftenartikel Druckschrift
2006 Basic cell-cell and cell-surface interactions in liposome and cellular systems: Advances in planar lipid bilayers and liposomes, ISSN 1554-4516, ZDB-ID 2402145-3. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Teil einer Monographie/eines Konferenzbandes Elektronische Ressource