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Intelligent modelling of the environmental behavior of chemicals  (  Dissertationsschrift  ) 
In view of the new European Union chemical policy REACH (Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals), interest in "non-animal" methods for assessing the risk potentials of chemicals towards human health and environment has increased. The incapability of classical modelling approaches in the complex and ill-defined modelling problems of chemicals' environmental behavior, together with an availability of large computing power in modern times raise an interest in applying computational models inspired by the approaches coming from the area of artificial intelligence. This thesis is devoted to promote the applications of neuro/fuzzy techniques in assessing the environmental behavior of chemicals. Some of the bottlenecks lying in the neuro/fuzzy modelling of chemicals' behavior towards environment have been identified and the solutions have been provided based on the techniques of computational intelligence.
Anzahl Zeichen: 950